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My role: design, research, speaker


The Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank needs more donations of either time, food, or money during the summer months from mothers and children primarily in elementary school.

Key Insight

Through primary and secondary research, my team discovered mothers want the option to get their children involved in the community in order to provide a positive learning experience. However, it's difficult to find the time to volunteer and donate. Some interviewed mothers also stated they felt the Food Bank did not give enough information to take action nor was it a secure place for their children.  



We created the “Give Back Without Missing Out” campaign to appeal to our target’s call to action in educating their children on becoming community leaders, without missing out on quality time with their families or lose the security of their children's summer activity locations.  We would advertise the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank's new message through a combination of print, outdoor, guerrilla marketing and social media advertising. 

A few sample slides from our Prezi + the mock outdoor ads I designed based on the results of our research. 

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